Survival Kits / The Plum Village Survival Kit – Part II Cultivating Compassion and Helping Others

In Part II, we explore practices to cultivate compassion for ourselves and others, through our daily practice, guided meditations and chanting.

In caring for others, we offer a teaching on “The Six mantras” by Sr Dieu Nghiem (Sr Jina), and our teacher Thay draws on a key Plum Village sutra to explain how to be there to support the sick and dying. Finally, we offer three dharma talks that will help us have a wider perspective of what is happening, beyond the individual, towards a view of humanity and Mother Earth.

Cultivating compassion through guided meditations and daily readings

Meditate on wishing ourselves and others well-being and safety with Sr True Dedication

Our teacher Thay gives a guided meditation on seeing ourselves and our parents as 5-year old children to generate compassion and understanding

In many Buddhist traditions, this discourse is read daily, as a means to cultivate compassion and to set our intention for the day.

Supporting Our Loved Ones and Helping The Sick and Dying

The Six Mantras of True Love

This talk by Sr Dieu Nghiem (Sr Jina) covers the six mantras of true love which consists of offering true presence (“I am here for you”, “I know you are there and it makes me happy”), being there for their suffering (“I know you suffer”), knowing how and when to ask for help (“I suffer, please help”), sharing the joy of a good relationship (“This is a happy moment”) and graciously receiving praise or criticism you may not necessarily agree with (“You are partly right”).

  • 15:25: Introduction
  • 17:15: “I am here for you.” (choosing the right moment, offering true presence)
  • 29:50: “I know you are there and it makes me happy.” (expressing gratitude)
  • 39:00: “I know you suffer.” (asking what is wrong skilfully) 
  • 46:25: “I suffer, please help.”  (looking deeply at our contribution to the relationship, doing our best, asking for help)
  • 52:30: “This is a Happy Moment.”
  • 53:55: “You are partly right.”

Caring for the Sick and Dying

In a 2014 Question and Answer session, our teacher Thay draws on a key Plum Village sutra, ‘The Discourse on the Teachings to be Given to the Sick‘ in his response to a psychotherapist asking on how best to helping very ill or dying people.

Chanting to Generate and Send Compassion to the World

Chanting can be used to concentrate the mind and to generate compassion for oneself and others.

Namo Avalokiteshvara Chant with Monastics

This chant invokes the name of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion. You may also like to join in with the chanting as you listen to this.

Invoking the Bodhisattvas’ Names

Invoking the Bodhisattvas’ Names

During this time, the community of Lower Hamlet has been invoking the Bodhisattvas’ Names each evening to send peace and healing energy to those in need and the deceased. You can chant this if you want to send energy to someone you cannot be near to physically or has already passed on.

Seeing our Current Circumstances from a Larger Perspective

Our senior Dharma teachers, Sr Chan Duc, Br Phap Ho and Br Phap Dung, offer a wider perspective on our current situation.

Compassion is Non-Local| Sr Chan Duc
A Time of Collective Turning |Br Phap Ho
This is a Noble Momement |Br Phap Dung

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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