We are very happy to be able to host our mindfulness days again, which take place on Thursday and Sunday.
Sunday 1/5 Upper Hamlet (Thay’s 100th day of passing)
Thursday 5/5 Lower Hamlet
Sunday 8/5 New Hamlet (Presentation of the 5 Mindfulness Trainings in the afternoon, it will be a transmission on the 15th)
Thursday 12/5 Upper Hamlet
Sunday 15/5 Lower Hamlet (Vesak Day) Ceremony in the morning celebrating Buddha’s Birthday and transmission of the 5MT in the afternoon
Thursday 19/5 New Hamlet
Sunday 22/5 Upper Hamlet (half-day only, from 9.15am until after lunch)
Thursday 26/5 Lower Hamlet
Sunday 29/5 New Hamlet
For the address of each hamlet, please click here.
Please arrive early (before 9:15 a.m.) so that you can enter the meditation hall quietly before the program begins.
Please bring headphones and an extension cord with you, as teachings are offered in English, French or Vietnamese.
Please consider bringing a donation in gratitude for the teachings, and to help with meals and other facilities available to you.
For more information on our mindfulness days click on this link.
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