Brother Chân Pháp Hữu

Dharma Friend

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Life Story

Brother Chân Pháp Hu was ordained as a novice monk on February 7th 2002 in the “Sugar Palm Tree” family. He received full bhikkhu ordination on December 18th 2006, and the Lamp Transmission as a Dharma Teacher in 2009. He became vice abbot in 2008 and is the abbot of Upper Hamlet since January 2011.

Br. Pháp Hũu first encountered Thầy and the community as a 9-year-old when he traveled from Canada to Plum Village France in 1996 with his father and sister. He was immediately drawn by the joyous brotherhood and the peaceful comportment of the monks. At the age of 12 he knew then that he wished to become a monk. After much persistence, his family allowed him to realize this wish at the age of 13.

True to his name, and despite the age difference, Br. Pháp Hũu became a dear friend to Thầy. He is often by Thầy’s side as an attendant, sharing moments filled with love, laughter, tears, and inspiration.

 As an abbot, Br. Pháp Hũu takes his time to connect with and understand his monastic and lay brothers. He is much appreciated as a skillful facilitator at Sangha gatherings. His favorite practices are walking meditation and organizing retreats in Plum Village. He is interested in team building, coaching, and mentoring. When playing, Br. Pháp Hũu loves basketball and music.

Dharma Talks

Active Nonviolence, Ethics & Mindfulness

This Dharma Talk was recorded on June 4, 2024 in Upper Hamlet, Plum Village France. It is the 3rd talk of the series of talks given in the 2024 June Retreat held in Plum Village, France, with the theme: “”Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Applied Ethics.” Brother Phap Huu…

Br Pháp Hữu

June 4, 2024

This Peaceful Step Becomes Our Prayer

This Dharma Talk was recorded on June 2, 2024 in Upper Hamlet, Plum Village France. It is the 1st talk of the series of talks given in the 2024 June Retreat held in Plum Village, France, with the theme: “”Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Applied Ethics.” It is the…

Br Pháp Hữu

June 2, 2024

The Journey Begins

As we are well aware, the pressure of achieving profound and urgent change is leading to increased anxiety and polarization in societies as well as within the climate movement. It is paradoxical, but critical, that at a time of great stress, we intentionally create the space to listen deeply…

Br Pháp Hữu, Sr Hiến Nghiêm

October 6, 2023

On Acceptance: New Year’s Eve Talk

As the new year begins to unfold, we have the opportunity to look back: What have we cultivated in ourselves in 2022? Was there a habit energy that manifested strongly, carrying us away? And how about our relationships? Were we able to cultivate deep friendship? Do we hold pain…

Br Pháp Hữu

December 31, 2022

True Spiritual Friendship

from 2022 11 03, Rains Retreat, Lay Day, Talk 7. How can we embrace our ancestors that we have never met? This and the below questions were addressed by Brother Phap Huu and Sister True Dedication in this “a-la-carte Dharma Talk”. * How can we understand our deep suffering…

Br Pháp Hữu, Sr Hiến Nghiêm

November 3, 2022

Active Response to Suffering

Is Plum Village “engaged” enough today? Is our daily practice of mindfulness an appropriate answer to the problems our world is facing? If we look deeply at current issues such as war, injustice, or the climate crisis, we can understand their connection with our ways of thinking, speaking and…

Sr Hiến Nghiêm, Br Pháp Linh, Br Pháp Hữu

October 2, 2022

Are You a Buddha? | Vesak 2022

In this Dharma Talk offered on Vesak day, Brother Phap Huu delves into the fascinating story of the historical Buddha Siddhartha to help us connect with the spiritual seeker inside of us. Are we in touch with our awakened nature as we live our daily life? What legacy do…

Br Pháp Hữu

May 15, 2022


Walk With Me: An interview with Br. Phap Huu back from SXSW

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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